National Forest Plan Input |
Verdell Jackson, Rod Bitney, John Brueggeman, Dee Brown, George Everett, Stan Fisher, Rick Maedje, Bernie Olson, Bob Lawson,
Doug Mood (Speaker of the House). Senators: Greg
Community Forest Planning Group) to assist citizens in providing input to the Flathead National Forest Office so that they
may have a reasonable range of viable, legal alternatives to evaluate for revision of the Land and Resource Management Plan
(New Forest Plan). The meetings held at the Flathead County Fairgrounds May 13, May
21, May 28, and June 3, 2004 was widely advertised in newspapers,
radio, and TV public service and news segments. The meetings were conducted in a workshop format, with emphasis on sharing and promoting
public understanding of information. The As a result of the public participation process, the following summarizes the major findings
from the public comments. The policy statement with the level of support is attached. Since all meetings were well advertised and made public, the attendance makeup varied
from one meeting to the next. A sign in sheet was at the door, but not all people
remembered to sign it. An attendance list by meeting is included as well as a
master list of all who were involved. Fire, Fire, Fire
Is anyone listening??? We dont
see this priority in the The greatest concern of the general public is FIRE. Fire danger, health,
safety and loss of the forest as they know it are on the minds of the general public.
People who live and work in the Caused by neglect (lack of forest management) the forests are in such an unhealthy condition they are loaded up to burn;
and burn they will every summer. Fuel build up is of such high density that the
fires cannot be put out once started. Drought and severe overstocking has impacted
the tree stands causing huge kills by bugs and insects because of stress. Trees
and underbrush are so thick that significant moisture cannot reach the ground. These
dead and dying treed areas are so large that they can easily surpass the hundreds of thousands of acres killed by fires. The dead trees are a time bomb waiting for a match or a lightning strike! The Forest Service needs to be proactive and build fire breaks and reduce fuels in advance. This would allow some generation of economic value from timber to pay for the cost. Just burning the fuel build up is not only extremely dangerous but wasteful and destructive to the environment
and health of people. Timber thinning and biomass harvest can help pay for the
work that needs to be done now. Costs cannot be the excuse for doing nothing. If permitted, the forest can finance their own treatment. The cost of fighting the
fires and the loss of property and forests dwarfs the cost of prevention. The
path and nature of a forest fire can be predicted from computer models and past experience.
ACTION IS NEEDED NOW. Comment by participant: Is it a wise
policy to waste natural resources and kill or injure thousands of animals while destroying their habitat for several years,
by allowing forests to grow old and unhealthy and become severely overstocked, and burn in a dry year? Or isnt it more sensible to use logging as a way of creating the same end result without the waste of resources,
or animals, or animal habitat? Comment by participant: People want landscape scale active forest management
to restore forest health and promote catastrophic fire resistant forest cover. Comment by participant: The majority of the public believes the Forest Service has failed to provide early detection
of fire starts and failed to fight fires aggressively using knowledgeable local people who know the terrain and local equipment. The grounding of the entire air tanker fleet at the beginning of a potentially severe
fire season rather than working on individual plane or company certification is perceived as another let burn agenda driven
policy rather than working for solutions that promote: the greatest public benefits
over the long term. Planning process This priority was not a part of the FS Action Plan, but was important to the participants. The Flathead Community Forest Planning Group attendance ranged from 60 to 80 people per
meeting. Many of the people had been involved in small groups who experienced
a consensus building processes coordinated by Forest Service personnel or consultants.
They unanimously voted that a large public forum was best where they did not feel manipulated or forced to compromise
what they believed to be the best course of action. Process needs to be advertised in such a manner that citizens will understand that they
can have input into forest management issues even though they are not an expert. Process needs to be organized so that every persons input is considered with no advantage
given to the process experts. For example, a minority party or group should not
be able to veto components of a carefully conceived final plan. Compromising
to please a vocal minority is not acceptable. Alternatively, a minority report
is a good way to express the views of the minority without marginalizing the majority. Combining all of the forests (Bitterroot, Flathead, and Lolo) into one plan is very unwise
given the different climate, resource capabilities, issues, culture, and customs of each area. Eliminate most of the studies and paper work. Local
people, local elected officials and common sense should carry the most weight in making management decisions, especially for
the crisis situations we now face. Opinions by the US Fish and Wildlife should carry no more weight than any other agency whether
it is federal, state, county or city/local jurisdiction. Mitigation of the concerns
of USFW should be a factor, but they should not have veto power. Eliminate management by litigation by changing the necessary laws. Require public support and open peer review for all potential endangered species listings and delistings. Comment by participant: Until there is change in the
grizzly reintroduction plans driven by the U S Fish and Wildlife Service, we will not see any major changes in the Forest Service Plan. The Endangered Species Act is broken and needs to be gutted and rebuilt and there is a proposal before
the US Congress right now that seeks to do just such a correction to the law. We
are held hostage by extreme environmentalists who misuse the intent of the ESA for other purposes. Access Management Access to the forest is the reason many people live here. Access is a part
of the community culture and heritage. Access has appeal to visitors and tourists. Seeing the forest up close and being able to drive to their favorite spots are pleasures
that local people have taken for granted for generations. Being locked out of
a forest and seeing roads destroyed that they have used for many years is denying freedoms that were once afforded to all
Americans and is very sad for local residents. Areas where they could pick berries,
obtain fire wood or cut posts are no longer accessible. Public lands should be available for public recreation. Access should be
balanced with the needs of wildlife. This may mean temporary closing of roads,
but not permanently closing or obliterating roads. The Forest Service has to recognize that the increasing and aging population
demands more motorized access, both summer and winter, be provided in the Forest Plan Revision. Roads are needed in order to manage the forests. Without roads it is very
expensive if not impossible to provide rehabilitation, weed control, thinning, logging, fire control etc. Comment by participant: In regard to road obliteration, do you feel in
reality that it is beneficial to bring in machinery to tear up the grass, brush, and trees that are already covering the old
unused and unmaintained roads and tear out old broken and dirt filled culverts? Isnt
that a huge waste of time and money, let alone creating new and severe erosion? Many
of the old logging roads that Im familiar with can hardly be found now if they havent been used. Comment by participant: In the Flathead, there are enough areas already
closed to motorized use, ( Recreation Management Participants are very concerned by the gated and destroyed roads. The large
majority of people drive and do not have the time or health to walk. Most recreation
takes place on the roads or a short distance off the road. People want to be
able to see the scenery, hunt and fish and need some sort of vehicle to provide access. Participants agreed that areas may need to be closed at certain times for wildlife needs and are willing to accept temporary
closures but disagree with the policy of permanent closures and destruction of roads and trails. Participants believe that the Forest Service spends too much time trying to manage people rather than managing
the forest. Roads can be maintained by the timber industry when timber sales are increased to a sustainable level. This would save the Forest Service money that could be spent on managing the forest. More areas and trails (including old logging roads) need to be designated and managed specifically for motorcycle and
ATV use opportunities. This would reduce the conflict with other users. Comment by participant: Spending $7000 per mile to restore a substandard
road to current Best Management Practices would produce vastly increased public benefits resulting from economic timber management,
recreation opportunities, fire hazard reduction, and fire suppression access than spending the $7000 /mile to obliterate the
road which only produces public costs. Comment by participant: Forest Service data indicates that 80% of the recreation
is driving for pleasure, so it is in the public interest to provide more road access to the public instead of road closure
and obliteration. Comment by participant: State and local governments should be consulted and approve public roads to be decommissioned.
Interface Management The participants agreed that the private land contiguous to National Forest is indeed private land and should be treated
as such without taking away property rights. The trust is not there for Forest
Service personnel to order the land owners to pursue a certain course of action to mitigate fire danger. Their distrust is based on recent experiences with the inability of the fire crews to control fires and
the fact that most fires start on the National Forest. The participants have
high regard for local officials and people who have experience with the local forest and believe that there are many options
available to mitigate fire danger. In some cases the area could be clear cut
while in other cases the underbrush could be removed and the large trees thinned. The
participants are willing and ready to do their part to reduce fire danger, but want to have input into the final decision
as to how best to reduce the fire danger in their respective areas on both the private and public interface. The majority opinion was to remove underbrush and thin trees to prevent the fire from laddering and then
traveling from crown to crown. They believed that the interface area is of high
value for timber production because it is easily maintained and accessible and should be part of the suitable timber base.
Ecosystem Management With proper management, the forest can provide wood products, economic development, healthy habitat for wildlife, great
scenery, clean water, and recreational opportunities while reducing fire danger. Unfortunately
the present course of action makes effective management impossible. The draft
action plan is even worse with more restrictions, more studies and less forest management, all of which is done while the
forest burns. The vast majority of the participants believe that State and private forests lands are well managed while the current
condition of the Flathead National Forest is poor resulting in high fire hazard which threatens communities, public health,
natural resources and public treasures. The participants believe that the National
Forest is not being managed at all. They see fires every summer, behind gated
and destroyed roads. They are seeing declining economic benefit from timber harvest
and their recreational benefits curtailed. The environmentalists are advocating
zero cut. What used to be an economic benefit to the nation is now a liability. Huge
amounts of money are pulled from other needs to put out fires and rehabilitate forests the public can longer enter and enjoy. Without roads it is not economically possible to provide effective fire suppression or long term sustainable forest
fuel management, rehabilitation and restoration, thinning, and insect, disease and weed control. Without money from wood products, there is a constant drain on public money needed for education, self
defense, infrastructure, etc. By default the strategy seems to be to lock the
forest up and burn it. Comment by Participant: Do you (forest service employees) feel that you
were forced to make many of your management decisions and policies in the past 2 decades because of environmentalists law
suits and their judges decisions? Or do you feel that the Forest Service has done a good job of managing the National Forests
and representing what most people really want? If the appeals and litigation
possibilities were curtailed, would your policies be different? Endangered Species Recovery People believe the grizzly bear populations are healthy, sustainable, recovered and not threatened. They want grizzly de-listed under the Endangered Species Act. The majority of the public believes road closures and obliteration costs to the public vastly exceed any benefits to
grizzly bears or other wildlife. They want the policies reversed to increase
and restore public access in the National Forest where motorized access is possible which is only 25% of the total land area. There should be public review and checks and balances on biological opinions issued by biologists who have no responsibility
or accountability for the public costs that result from implementation of these opinions. Comment of participant: It doesnt take a scientist to see that people dont
bother bears or mountain lions or deer or elk, or they wouldnt be coming into our yards.
Deer and elk love the edge of clear cuts, where they can graze and still be close to wooded areas. Deer love to browse on the cut brush in areas that are being logged.
So why are roads closed to protect animals; protect them from what? Management by burning pollutes the air and destroys
habitat and nutrients. Effective management techniques should prioritize treatments. Logging high value trees for lumber should be geared to maximize the long term gain. Selective cutting can be used to thin the stands and allow the remaining trees to
grow faster. New equipment makes it cost effective to select cut rather than
clear cut. Clear cutting should be done only when the stand is diseased or deteriorated
to the point that it has lost all or most of the commercial value. Most of the
debris that is left can be utilized by bio-mass operations that produce wood products and energy. This is a solution to disposing profitably, the waste and thinned trees from fuels reduction operations. Wilderness/Roadless
Management Participants believe that forest management and
recreation requires roads to be cost effective. Roads provide access. Without forest management, the roadless areas will eventually burn and destroy the habitat of wildlife
and the financial and aesthetic values. Participants do not believe that the
roads are inherently bad for the environment and wildlife; they believe just the opposite. Comment from participant: Roads are essential. Close them periodically if you must,
but do not destroy a road or prevent a new one and put the health of our forest at risk. * Representatives: Verdell Jackson, Rod Bitney,
John Brueggeman, Dee Brown, George Everett, Stan Fisher, Rick Maedje, Bernie Olson, Bob Lawson, Doug Mood (Speaker of the
House). Senators: Greg
Barkus, Aubyn Curtiss, Bob Depratu, Jerry ONeil, Bob Keenan (President of the Senate). Policy Statements Merged Categories from
4 Meetings Note: The first number below
is the number of votes for the policy statements and the second number is the percentage.
The percentages tended to drift down close to the end of each meeting because a few people left early and were inadvertently
counted as a no vote. The number of participants was 125, but not all of these
attended each meeting. The four meetings were very focused on common sense policy statements that
came directly from the participants written on cards. About ½ of the time was
spent listening to forest service personnel answer questions and the other half on tweaking and voting on the statements.
These policy statements are not consistent with Road access was hard to deal with as a separate issue because without road
access there is no hope of accomplishing anything else. Economics was added as a separate topic because it is not apparent that the
Draft Plan of Action is concerned with the local economy or Healthy Forests/Timber Management/Forest Management topics should be based
on solid forest management principles rather than on questionable studies. Foresters
are trained to properly care for our forest, but are unable to do their job because of misguided legislation and law suits
by those who worship the so called natural processes. When forests become overgrown a PERPETUAL drought will exist on the forest
floor since the majority of moisture will evaporate to the atmosphere after being intercepted by the tree branches. The larger the tree the less likelihood any of the moisture will reach the ground surface since each successive
whorl of branches further intercepts the overabundance of moisture from branches above.
The resulting perpetual drought causes disease and bug kills because of tree stress. The Endangered Species Act is addressed as a separate topic because it has
been used to trump the needs of humans. 5/13 (B) Fire Prevention: 1a (B 13th). 62 90% Include all of the National Forest//private
interface in the suitable timber base. 2a (B 13th). 62 90% Exempt interface acres from re-forestation
standards. 3a (B 13th). 62 90% Build fire breaks. 4a (B 13th). 62 90% Reduce fuels by thinning crowns leaving trees of various ages with variable spacing. 5a (B 13th). 62 90%
Do not use Prescribed Fire as a tool in the wildland/urban interface. 6a (B 13th). 62 90%
Planning and implementation of fuel treatments and forest restoration projects
should be done by US Forest Service consulting with county government. 5/28 (C) Fire Hazard Reduction: 1c (C 28th).
53 98% Gated roads shall be opened for fire control. 2c (C 28th).
53 98% Start intensive program of fuel reduction near populated
areas and then work out from there. 3c (C 28th).
53 98% Start selective logging of damaged and dead trees throughout
the 4c (C 28th).
50 93% Encourage land owners to remove dead trees and hazardous
fuel load on their own property. Work with owners to develop a plan. 5c (C 28th).
53 98% Emphasize preventing wildfires by logging, salvage and thinning. 6c (C 28th).
53 98% Train, recruit, and hire local firefighters and equipment.
7c (C 28th).
54 100% Fund (from USFS retained receipts) activities (except
prescribed burning) that reduce catastrophic fire fuels. 8c (C 28th).
51 94% Participate with Federal Funding Credits and resource contracting
for new technologies and processes that will provide fuel reduction of biomass at lower costs to taxpayer. 9c (C 28th).
26 48% Use CCC (Civilian
Conservation Corp) crews for forest health work. 10c (C 28th).
52 96% No let burn in Jul, Aug,
or Sept (too much risk of catastrophic fire). 11c (C 28th).
51 94% Forest Plans are
intended to be a contract with the public on what to expect from the forest in the decade ahead. The revised Forest
Plan must have a minimum average annual harvest objective in acres of treatment and volume, as well as the maximum allowable
harvest level. There must also be minimum levels of acres and miles of trails open for the various motorized and
non-motorized recreation uses specified for each alternative and final Plan. 12c (C 28th).
51 94% Make 13c (C 28th).
51 94% Set a Minimum Average annual harvest objective in acres of treatment and volume, as well as the maximum
allowable harvest level in the revised Forest Plan. 14c (C 28th).
51 94% Set minimum levels
of acres and miles of trails to be open for the various motorized and non motorized recreation uses specified for each alternative
and final Plan. 15c (C 28th).
48 89% Prescribed burns should be allowed only with the approval of the local County Health Board. (C) Fire Suppression: 1a (C 13th). 65 94% Develop
faster response plans for all forest fires until restoration returns the conditions to Low-Intensity-Fire Conditions. (Three most important
factors: Faster response, faster response, faster response) 2a (C 13th). 62 90% Use
planes to fight fires, even if they are military planes. 5/21 (C) Fire Suppression: 1b (C 21st). 69 100% To effect faster fire response time, District Fire Managers should be given authority to contract
with local fire suppression equipment operators who have suitable equipment on standby and know the area. 2b (C 21st). 69 100% Use all equipment available. (Erosion and run off will
be many times worse if the fire takes thousands of acres. This is ridiculous.
Use everything available, OPEN the roads). 5/28 (A) Process: 1c (28th A). 53 98% Make land management decisions compatible with the
heritage, customs and culture of adjacent communities and include input from local elected officials. 2c (28th A). 54 93% Make the Forest Service accountable to the
Montana State Government which should use the power to override Forest Service policies. 3c (28th A). 50 93% Make a change then analyze the effects of that change,
instead of making a lot of changes, then wondering what did what. 4c (28th A). 54 100% Do
not use the term ecosystem in place of Flathead National Forest in the Forest Plan. 5c (28th A). 54 100% Cut
unnecessary paperwork. If access roads exist, dead and diseased trees should
be salvaged with no paperwork. 6c (28th A). 54 100% Eliminate some of the environmental impact studies. Local officials can use common sense on deciding the impact on the environment. It takes too much time because of government bureaucracy to make a decision. 7c (28th A). 54 100% End the 1973 ESA and
develop a new ESA under updated data from many sources, not just Best Available Science.
Require public support and open peer review for all potential Endangered Species Listing. 8c (28th A). 54 100%
Lobby Congress to modify laws that prohibit reasonable management. Use
common sense management, involving elected officials in the process. 9c (28th A). 54 100%
Include deer, elk and moose in management indicator species. 10c (28th A). 54 100%
Terminate use of Equal Access to Justice Act for environmental lawsuits. 11c (28th A). 52 96% Opinions by the US Fish & Wildlife
should carry no more weight than any other opinion and to the best degree possible their concerns should be mitigated. 5/21 (B) Process: 1b (B 21st). 0 The Forest Service
should offer public educational meetings to enhance the Forest Plan revision process, rather than relying on the public to
hold meetings & they just come as guests.
Note: The lack of support for this policy
statement does not reflect on the quality of the Forest Service personnel which we find to be excellent, but on the consensus
process and the manipulation of the input and the result. Participants believe
that legislation has been misguided, topics selected do not relate to the problems, and that the process is flawed. 2b (B 21st). 44 64% Use silviculture and stewardship management, not a bunch of words that judges and environmental
extremists will only use against the forests and the people. 3b (B 21st). 68 99% Keep our forest in a healthy condition and allow all Montanans to egress and regress on all Public Montana Forests
to hunt, fish, and recreate. The government agreed to do this when they took control of 4b (B 21st). 69 100% Do not carry Forest Plan Amendments forward
into the revised plan, especially Snowmobile Amendment 24, and Amendment 19. 5b (B 21st). 68 99% Keep suitable timber base in roadless areas as per the 1985 Forest Plan. 6b (B 21st). 67 97% Change the recreation opportunity spectrum in the areas affected to accommodate snowmobile use,
rather than implementing Amendment 24. 5/28 (D) Access and Roads: 1c (D 28th).
48 89% Conduct a public meeting with comments mandatory before
any road closures are mandated. A majority vote should determine road status. 2c (D 28th).
54 100% List the reasons why a road is closed and review them
once a year. If the need for closure is no longer valid, the road should be opened. 3c (D 28th).
53 98% 4c (D 28th).
53 98% Stop decommissioning roads and removing culverts. Remove
all berms. 5c (D 28th).
52 96% Restore decommissioned roads and restore culverts or
install rolling swales in place of them. 6c (D 28th).
53 98% Offer more timber sales with purchaser road maintenance. 7c (D 28th).
5 9% Close areas/roads/trails
to all uses, not just motorized if wildlife security is critical. 8c (D 28th).
51 94% Do not split home ranges on ridge tops for bear security
analysis areas. Split home ranges at access roads. 9c (D 28th).
53 98% No net loss for all recreational trails and play areas. If the
Forest Service has to close anything they should replace it with equivalent quality and quantity of open use areas. 5/21 (E) Road Access: 1b (E 21st). 69 100%
Require Forest Service to keep and maintain roads.
This can be done by the forest products industry if the Forest Service will only put up timber sales. 2b (E 21st). 69 100%
Require that the entire public forest is open. 3b (E 21st). 60 87%
Make roads built for logging permanent not temporary. 4b (E 21st). 69 100%
Publish for public comment and open process all proposals to close roads. No instantaneous closing of roads. 5b (E 21st).
69 100% Stop all decommissioning
of roads. Roads need to be maintained (either gated closed or open) to have access
for fire fighting, human emergency, logging, recreation, etc. 6b (E 21st). 69 100%
Spend funds on other priorities other than on decommissioning roads which is counterproductive. It would be wiser to spend the $7000 per mile to decommission roads on other important
issues such as fighting fires, etc. We spent $3 million so far and now we have
another $3 million to spend to decommission another 379 miles. Yet we hear Forest
Service has no funds for other projects (i.e. trail maintenance, forest fires). 7b (E 21st). 69 100%
Do not decommission any roads without evaluating the use of the road for fire
control and prevention, economic and recreational use. 5/13 (D) Roads: 1a (D 13th). 69 100% Do
not rip out roads; gate or barrier if you must. 2a (D 13th). 69 100% Identify
a system of roads necessary for interface fire protection. 3a (D 13th). 68 99% Identify
roads most valuable for recreation and forest management and administration that is most effective with road maintenance dollars. 5/13 (A) Healthy Forests: 1a
(A 13th).
56 81% Harvesting
agricultural value of our forest in a timely manner should be a top priority. (Since
the USFS is a division of the USDA, we believe that the agricultural value of our forests should be a top priority and the
economic value of the timber to local communities is vital to their health, both forests and communities.) 2a (A 13th). 61 88% Restore forest health by aggressively using science based forest management. (Healthy forests equal
viable wildlife populations across the landscape, clean and healthy watersheds and fisheries.
The citizens of the Flathead desire proactive forest management to restore forest health with priority on the science
of forest management.) 3a (A 13th). 64 93% Maintaining all forest values (watersheds, wildlife, air and water quality, recreation)
results from a healthy forest. 4a (A 13th). 64 93% Set a
minimum timber harvest goal with a commitment to reach that target within 3 years. (To achieve healthy
forests and watersheds requires an amount of wood fiber per acre be removed that equals the annual growth per acres plus the
annual mortality per acre. The Forest Plan should use such a guideline for alternatives.) 5a (A 13th). 56 81% Implement
the Healthy Forest Initiative immediately and inform the community of specific actions that result. 5/21 (A) 1b (A 21st). 69 100% Increase salvage sales substantially. There is enough dead, down, and dying diseased timber at this time that will assist in keeping
mills open and help reduce the fuel for possible forest fires. 2b (A 21st). 69 100% Reconstruct obliterated and decommissioned forest system roads that are vital to active forest
management, protection and human safety. 3b (A 21st). 69 100% Make firewood from slash piles available to public. Allow
slash piles that are scheduled to be burned made available to the public for fire wood gathering prior to burning. 4b (A 21st). 47 68% Leave log landings open for one year following timber harvest.
Sell firewood permits and maps to clean up. 5b (A 21st). 68 99% Eliminate the limit on the harvest of the dead, downed, bug infested, dying trees. As it is now there is a limit on how much one can harvest. 6b (A 21st). 69 100% Make contracting mandatory for thinning of overstocked, diseased and dying trees. 7b (A 21st). _69 100% Remove overabundance of conifer vegetation to provide precipitation for storage in the soil. (This type of vegetation intercepts normal rain and snow during all seasons causing such moisture
to be lost to soil storage due to evapotranspiration. When forests become overgrown
a perpetual drought will exist on the forest floor since the most of the moisture will evaporate into the atmosphere after
being intercepted by the tree branches. The larger the tree the less likelihood
any of the moisture will reach the ground surface since each successive whorl of branches further intercepts the overabundance
of moisture from branches above). 8b (A 21st). 68 99% Let people cut sub-merchantable trees and use for posts and rails instead of paying for thinning. 9b (A 21st). 67 97% Implement effective Biomass removal rules and procedures.
Biomass is a way to go for a long term solution to fuel buildup! Biomass
provides a market for the trees and debris that must be removed to restore the forest to low intensity fire conditions. 5/28 (B) Timber Management: 1c (B 28th).
50 93% Remove dead and blow down trees adjacent to existing access with a sell contract and no other paper work. 2c (B 28th).
52 96% Make best use of high value dead and down trees. 3c (B 28th).
54 100% Manage riparian areas with selective removal of trees to maintain health and control fuel buildup. 4c (B 28th).
52 96% Remove fire killed, insect infested, and downed timber from roadless areas by helicopter or winter logging. 5c (B 28th).
50 93% Permit small sawmills on some sites. 6c (B 28th).
51 94% Restore the forest by removing
encroaching overcrowded trees, reducing ground, ladder and crown fuels and under burning if feasible; so the big trees would
live through a fire. 7c
(B 28th). 51 94% Log old growth as necessary.
8c (B 28th).
54 100
% Make forest
management decisions on a site specific basis, rather than ecosystem management. 9c (B 28th).
54 100%
Harvest and utilization rate of forest products should least equal
the mortality rate of our forest. 10c (B 28th). 54___100% Make management policies that take into
consideration the heritage, customs and culture of communities adjacent to, and with historic economic dependence on the national
forests. 5/13 (E) Economics: 1a (E 13th). 66 96% Use all
dead and dying timber in local mills before it deteriorates. 2a (E 13th). 65 94% Increase
the suitable timber base. 3a (E 13th). 66 96% Immediately actively manage for biomass
and log adequate acreage to accomplish treatment to attain low intensity fire conditions within 5 years in all designated
management area. 4a (E 13th). 66 96% Log areas
prior to burning for fuel reduction. 5/28 (E) Recreation: 1c (E 28th).
51 94% Construct specific trails without compromising multiple use
overall in an area. 2c (E 28th).
48 89% Create ATV park areas where ATVs and motorcycles can
travel off roads and trails. 3c (E 28th).
51 94% Stop the practice of closing a section of a trail, and leaving
two trails which are not contiguous. 4c (E 28th).
51 94% Allow private airplanes to use all existing landing
strips, and maintain them for recreation and emergency use. 5/21 (F) Recreation: 1b (F 21st). 69 100%
Develop a publicly acceptable system or systems to meet needs and desires of local
residents for forest access and forest management policies. 2b (F 21st). 64 93%
Conduct a public forum to extract and quantify the needs and desires of the affected
majority. 3b (F 21st). 56 81%
Develop separate motorized use categories.
Dirt bikes and four wheelers need different trails - dirt bikes need a single track; 4 wheelers need a road base or
two tracks. 4b (F 21st). 67 97%
Keep remaining open forest open. (Seventy five percent of the forest is either
roadless or wilderness; this leaves 25% of the forest to use for recreation or other uses. We must keep at least this
open for multiple uses). 5b (F 21st). 67 97%
Keep areas open suitable for loop travel for all vehicles, auto, snow cat, motorcycle,
4 wheelers, accessing ridges and vistas. 6b (F 21st). 67 97% Bring current road and trail closed maps up to date. 5/21 (D) Endangered Species: 1b (D 21st). 67 97% Accommodate local cultural concerns and traditions in forest policy.
(As recent news has told, more than a few grizzlies have found themselves happily exploring human/private
habitats. And stories from 2b (D 21st). 64 93% Require any assessments needed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to go through a review process
by a team on the Flathead National Forest and require that recommendations be generated from a team process rather than by
one employee with no review locally. Any closures of roads must be based in science
and data supporting closure even if temporary. 3b (D 21st). 69 100% Stop tearing up roads until grizzle numbers are found out accurately.
If the Forest Service finds that bear numbers are going up, reopen roads
that have been decommissioned. |